دوشنبه 26 مهر 1400    
بازدید: 1560
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Important Coldwater Fish Diseases and their Control

1.     Infectious Diseases (Viruses, Bacteria, Fungi)

2.     Invasive Diseases (Parasites)

3.     Non-infectious Diseases (Nutritional, Environmental, Genetic)

4.     Control Diseases

5.     Sample Collection to check for Disease

Teaching by: Dr. Masoud Haghighi

Date of the Workshop: 2022.02.17


Methods for Measuring Physical and Chemical Factors Affecting the Propagation and Breeding of Coldwater Fish

1.     Temperature

2.     Dissolved Oxygen

3.     Acidity

4.     Ammonia

5.     Nitrite

6.     Nitrate

7.     Hydrogen Sulfide

8.     Total Hardness

9.     Total Suspended Solids

10.                        Total Dissolved Solids

Teaching by: Dr. Meysam Erfani

Date of the Workshop: 2022.02.18


Physiological mechanisms of osmoregulation in the Caspian trout, gaps and future perspectives for aquaculture

1.     Biology of Salmonid

2.     Osmoregulation Physiology of Salmonid,

3.     Application of Osmoregulatory Mechanisms in Aquaculture

Teaching by: Dr. Salman Malakpour Kolbadinezhad

Date of the Workshop: 2022.02.19



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